Monday, December 11, 2006

Exams are finally over!!!

Oops, ok I know I am super super slow in this. Exams were over since last Wednesday, and after about 5 days then I post about it, sorry about that, haha!
Nevertheless, I'm glad that the exams are over! And I don't intend to work this holidays, so I'll be rotting at home, out practising for carolling, out for carolling performances, or out shopping and eating with my friends. Happy and relaxed life. =)
A short 1 month holiday before the next wave of attending lectures and tutorials, rushing for projects, camping in school pia-ing for exams start again. The thought of that = sian. So now I must treasure the times I spent rotting around, especially at home, where I can watch youtube, update my 'stupid' blog (I'll explain why it is stupid later, 气死我了!), play with my nieces, read some stuff, watch my fave TV shows!!! Haha, ultimate slacker...yeah...
Oh, something interesting to report. This morning when I was carrying my youngest niece who is about 10 months old, I noticed that she has a strand of nostril hair!!! Or whatever it is called, pardon me for my limited vocab...hee... And the hair was so long that it sticks out!! Oops, this gu-gu is very mean to laugh at her cute little baby niece, but she is soooooooo cute!!! Haha, feel like cutting it off, but I thought I should show it to my Dad, her ye-ye first...haha...

Now I shall explain why I say my blog is stupid, or rather I am stupid. Roarrrrr... I just installed Internet Explorer 7.0 through Windows Updates. And now I can't view the text in my blog! Except for those words in pink and the photos, I can't see the text that I post. I also can't view AJ Alumni Choir blog...WHY?!?!?!?!?!
Haiz, headache... ok that's all about my complaints.

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