Thursday, April 26, 2007

In the midst of exams...

Till now, only 1 paper had been done...3 more to go...till next Thursday...

Sianz.... Zzz...

Staying in PGP is a new and different experience. No need to spend at least 2 hours a day travelling to and fro between home and Central Library..but it made me feel cooped up too, PGP - CL, CL -'s a very boring life... =S

Oh ya! 爆料一下! Wah Kao, during certain nights in PGP, you can see a boy opposite my room in another block totally naked! What the heck..I mean boy because that block is for Post-Grad students, so basically they stay with their family, the boy should be about P5/P6/Sec 1 in terms of age. He likes to parade around the apartment naked, and sometimes he even 'danced' in front of the fridge while looking for titbits...Free show man... '_'

"Hang in there! Jia you! Good luck! All the best!" is what I tell myself and my friends very often. The fear of not doing well is getting apparent, what a dreadful feeling.

I miss my home, my family, my 2 nieces!!! I want to kiss them and hug them and hear them call me, "Gu gu!!!" cute...

Exactly one more week to go before life goes back to normal. No wonder nobody loves exams...haha!

My eldest niece! She's very smart, knowing that I'm going to take a picture of her, she quickly grabbed the Pooh bear and posed, getting ready for the snapshot. Too bad the picture is not too clear.. but she's so cute! =P Oh, anyway she's called Miranda! (Not the Marinda soft drink k..)

Cute little Melanie! It's soooo hard to take a picture of her..haha...this is the best I can do, within a few minutes... I wonder how are they doing now. Kids at their age grow super fast..hmm...

I miss them!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

心理测试 3






1. 选“鱼头”   

2. 选“鱼腹(中间)”   

3. 选“鱼尾”   

4. 选“没有特定地方,到处乱吃”   

Credits: Majyo's blog =)

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Some fun before exams...

Went to Bugis to eat steamboat with Daniel and his friend Swee Liang tonight. Daniel is late for 1 hr +!! But he had a meeting and he can't get any we all know, PGP is SUPER ulu....

No matter what, that did not spoil our mood for the was quite ex though...$17.80 per pax..and after adding drinks, (soup cost $5 per table, excluded from the $17.80), taxes etc, each person had to pay about $26. EX ah! But it was really fun! We ordered a jug of TIGER BEER...haha...machiam all guys steamboat session, anyway I feel at ease with them also...with all the crap and singing and laughter...
Yes, Daniel and I sang. The shop was playing Dongli 88.3, so when songs like 《童话》started playing, we started to harmonise together with the original singer...wahaha...needless to say, he harmonise the bass and I did the 'tenor' part, according to him...haha..(of course by that time, most of the customers had left...)

Talked about so much crap...I regret not bringing my camera sad...we could have taken photos....

The food was not bad...we had non-spicy soup..cos Swee Liang and I don't take the spicy one, so poor Daniel had to 服从 the majority...haha....

After exams I wanna meet up with more friends!!!

Suddenly, this song came into my head...


Friends forever! Cheers to all my friends and family too!!! Love you all!!! =P

Friday, April 13, 2007

Bad weather...

Weather nowadays is very bad...due to 清明节 I supposed, it rains heavily every afternoon, no matter where you are...hmm..

Anyway if you are free to attend the Star Dust grand finals, you can start to book tickets and vote for me online now! It's over here.

Finals will be held on the 7th May, Monday, 6.30pm at UCC, NUS. If you are not sure how to get there, you may contact me through MSN or phone, I'll try my best to give the directions! :P

Thanks to those who has voted for me and please do continue to vote whenever you are free k? Thanks again! :D

Left one more MIDI composition for Science of Music and I'll be able to focus for the exams completely! Haven't started revising though, I should start during the weekend, 4 papers this time, hopefully I can maintain my CAP at least... Irene and I realised there's this trend of doing well in the 1st sem and doing 'not-so-well' in the 2nd sem every year, ever since we enter NUS...hope this disgusting trend won't continue, it hurts to see the CAP that you've tried so hard to pull up in the 1st sem drops back during the 2nd sem....when that happens you just feel like knocking yourself against the wall. Haha!

Oh, other than preparing for exams, it's time to look for holiday jobs again...这个暑假该打什么工好呢?Hmm...

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Chain Mail cont'd...wahaha

I got tagged by Chee Guan to write this 'chain blog'. Since I only have to list 6 items only, I shall play along with it.
To Majyo: Gal, I know you may start questioning why don't I do yours, cos yours is always so lengthy! 20+ to 30+ questions to answer leh, 很累的咧! Hahaha...
Anyway, here it goes...

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. My ears are very 'thin'? and 'flexible' in the sense that I can twist and turn and make sound with it. I like to play with my ears since young, that's why now it's still so 'soft', haha. According to some friends who know this, it sounds like someone clicking a pen, and it can be quite loud in a super quiet room.

2. I have a HUGE patch of birthmark on my body. It stretches from my front body to my left arm to my back. Some people thought I kena burnt by fire when I was young. Please la, if it burnt marks, how come the skin can be so smooth?! (Haha, I'm not saying my skin is super smooth, just that it's normal skin, unharmed..)

3. I always get my priorities mixed up. I know what my priorities are but perhaps the lazyworm in me is so strong that it always ask me to play and slack first, until I get so sick of playing then I'll be good and do my work.

4. I always think a lot, a lot of rubbish always go through my mind. But I'm also a 没脑筋冲动派 sometimes, epecially for things that require a lot of courage. When my mind is set, I may just ignore everything and do it. For example, to confess to a guy that I like him, regardless of the result. (But that only happened once, haha..)

5. Frankly speaking, I'm really very 随便. this I mean that I don't really have much preferences. Many people have favourite numbers, colours, movies, etc...I don't. Those that I've listed in Friendster are just what I've come into contact with most frequently at the point I fill in my profile. If not I just fill some things in for the sake of filling. =P
But recently I realised that I really love to drink coffee, milk tea and milo!

6. Last one, finally. I also like to say no when I mean yes sometimes, but, 女生嘛,口是心非很正常啊! Chee Guan, 这样讲你好像不是很正常哦!wahaha!

I shall tag: Majyo, Irene, Yiing, Guilepig, Nadiah and Susanty. Hiak hiak...try to do when u r free k? for fun la..haha..

Free my mind forever...troubles go away, shoo!!!



Finally, left 1 more project to do, which is the hardest too...How to compose a MIDI all by meyself?! It's so tedious, and it seems like the rest notes can't be deleted easily..any mistakes in the middle of the music and I'll have to delete the rest of it! ROAR!!!
I really need patience to finish the project. And the problem is, it sounds so familiar and simple..haha, I guess I really have not much creativity in me..

Another headache, exams is coming and I have not started. Finals is coming too and I have to decide what song to sing by 13 April, Friday. What on earth should I sing? This song doesn't suit me, that song has been over sung, the other song is too plain and boring...etc...aiyoh...
How I wish I am not so fussy and just anyhow sing one song and my job is done.
But somehow I can't, I love to sing and I want to put up a good performance at least, at least 我要对得起 all my friends, especially those who go down to support me...


Sunday, April 01, 2007








选择A的人: 很明显,有个大洞的伞会让你被淋湿。但显然你也认为这无所谓,引申出来的潜意识信息就是" 低头赔罪也可以"。吵架之 后,你很可能是那个率先承认自己错误,以求双方言归于好的人。虽然这种显得气度非凡,但是小心这样的脾气很容易助长对方的气焰哦 !这样的人们很有欧美派头,是很容易打交道的人。吵架的时候说不定也是法国式的浓情版本!

选择B的人: 有几个小洞的伞,嗯,就不至于把自己淋个湿透啦。你会在不伤害自己的前提下,向对方道歉。但是通常,实际情况里,你可能会把事情 冷却很久,说起那次吵架,才说";那时我也有错"。这样的人其实心很软。不太会让对方下不了台,也不会强迫自己做很难做到的事情 。吵架时说不定有点日本式的含蓄味道。不过这种" 温吞水"性子的人一旦认真吵架,估计是为了很严重的事情哦!

选择C的人: 伞柄弯曲是很独特的。其实你是一个很倔强的人!哪怕吵架是由于你的错误引起,你也不会甘心承认的吧!说不定有意无意还会把责任推 到别人身上。长此以往,你始终不愿意低头承认错误,那爱上你的人要不离开,还真需要不少勇气和气度呢!这样的人其实很没有原则啦 !说不定对于很多问题也是";骑墙派",在他们(她们)的眼睛里,生活的安稳快乐比什么原则都重要。所谓对错之分,不过是说说而 已嘛!

选择D的人: 伞柄很短,暗示着你是那种"忘性很大"的人。吵架 归吵架,吵完了就忘啦!说不定对方说了很难听的话,你居然睡了一觉 就觉得没什么了,可以和颜悦色地按照平常日子过下去!长此以往,对方会觉得很对不起你,说不定反而很 惭愧。所以你是 那种很善于吵架,并且很容易言归于好的人!这种人好像是生活在地中海阳光中的!他们(她们)懂得生活的乐趣在于:一次爆发,永远 快乐。他们在吵架的时候也会毫不留情,因为发泄痛苦本来就不该有保留。可以说是敢爱敢恨的人呢!

Credits: Majyo (taken from her blog) =)