Sunday, April 08, 2007

Chain Mail cont'd...wahaha

I got tagged by Chee Guan to write this 'chain blog'. Since I only have to list 6 items only, I shall play along with it.
To Majyo: Gal, I know you may start questioning why don't I do yours, cos yours is always so lengthy! 20+ to 30+ questions to answer leh, 很累的咧! Hahaha...
Anyway, here it goes...

Each player of this game starts off by giving 6 weird things about themselves. People who get tagged need to write in a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state the rules clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names.

1. My ears are very 'thin'? and 'flexible' in the sense that I can twist and turn and make sound with it. I like to play with my ears since young, that's why now it's still so 'soft', haha. According to some friends who know this, it sounds like someone clicking a pen, and it can be quite loud in a super quiet room.

2. I have a HUGE patch of birthmark on my body. It stretches from my front body to my left arm to my back. Some people thought I kena burnt by fire when I was young. Please la, if it burnt marks, how come the skin can be so smooth?! (Haha, I'm not saying my skin is super smooth, just that it's normal skin, unharmed..)

3. I always get my priorities mixed up. I know what my priorities are but perhaps the lazyworm in me is so strong that it always ask me to play and slack first, until I get so sick of playing then I'll be good and do my work.

4. I always think a lot, a lot of rubbish always go through my mind. But I'm also a 没脑筋冲动派 sometimes, epecially for things that require a lot of courage. When my mind is set, I may just ignore everything and do it. For example, to confess to a guy that I like him, regardless of the result. (But that only happened once, haha..)

5. Frankly speaking, I'm really very 随便. this I mean that I don't really have much preferences. Many people have favourite numbers, colours, movies, etc...I don't. Those that I've listed in Friendster are just what I've come into contact with most frequently at the point I fill in my profile. If not I just fill some things in for the sake of filling. =P
But recently I realised that I really love to drink coffee, milk tea and milo!

6. Last one, finally. I also like to say no when I mean yes sometimes, but, 女生嘛,口是心非很正常啊! Chee Guan, 这样讲你好像不是很正常哦!wahaha!

I shall tag: Majyo, Irene, Yiing, Guilepig, Nadiah and Susanty. Hiak hiak...try to do when u r free k? for fun la..haha..

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