第一次尝试在公司开会,而一开就是2个小时。=S 超恶心的……我只是个小职员啊,偏偏又浪费大家那么多的时间,在讨论一些有的没的,从下午5点一直到7点多!(And I am supposed to meet my friends for dinner at City Hall at 7.30pm...)
开了会,也就是说在来临的这一周有我好受的了……很多东西要source, 要买,还要跟suppliers说很紧急,货一定要快一点进来。再这样下去,以后还会有谁要跟我们做生意?!
一大堆有的没的screws and nuts, pulleys, electronic devices, switches, wires, hoses, bolts, washers etc,要source还要等quotation from suppliers, 这样的步骤,要怎样在一个星期之内买齐?神经病!哈哈。投诉了一大堆,很爽……
看到了一些人的真面目。尤其是上司。在职场上,每个人都一样,能推就推。但要推,至少也得证明你尽了自己的本分才容易推得干净。可是上司就有更大的权力,只要一句话:"No, you cannot say that." or "No, that's not the point." 就能把错推到你身上。我指的是我上司的上司对待我上司时候的态度。我比较安全,因为我毕竟是temp,所以他不会对我怎么样。不要以为Ang Moh就会更友善,他们有时反而更有“心机”,很不简单。”笑里藏刀,我真的体会到了。笑容再怎么灿烂,眼神都会背叛他们。Yucks...I am utterly disgusted.
Went to meet Hiany and Irene for dinner @ New York New York on Friday evening..had a nice green apple flavoured cotton candy! Sorry to keep you waiting gals! =P
Our dinner...looks not bad huh? haha..but it was super filling too!
Went to the 复古 arcade at Bugis Junction yesterday with Bing and Kee Lee, played some games and these are our 战利品!haha..those kinda old machines where there will be tickets being issued out after playing, and you go to the counter to exchange them for gifts! haha...missed those machines..and it is a super good way to relieve stress or vent your frustrations...haha
My lunch at a Hong Kong cafe at Bugis! The food is so-so la..not very nice..but I just like Hong Kong cafe, don't know why..maybe it is because the wide variety of food available suits a 善变 Gemini like me ba...haha..
My beloved choir Jie Meis...Joyce is in Shanghai..I love you gals!! =D
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