My mum cut the word out herself? 厉害吧?我老妈真的是很喜欢什么事情都亲力亲为,她的这股毅力总是让我感到即佩服又惭愧。=P
Today I woke up at around 650am, to get ready to accompany my brother to 'fetch' my sis-in-law a 小姑,this is my job...they say it's I just follow and 凑热闹...haha!
The wedding car (Jaguar)! *Most importantly, take note of the 4 digits..wahaha!* (If not what makes you think I take the front part only?) LOL!
Ok la, this is the actual car...although the background cannot make it...haha..
Door opening!
My brother was forced to say "I love you" in 10 different languages/dialects! This was taken after it's over..haha...
My brother being 'tested' by the 姐妹团 make a card within 5min! In the end the card was full of red hearts..wahaha... woohoo!!
Ok...I know this is a very bad choice angles were taken by the photographer and videoman liao..and my stupid camera...suddenly pangseh me and 'told me' that the battery is flat!!! =S
I didn't take any photo with my own camera during the dinner, cos I find it quite troublesome to carry the camera around, since I can't put it into my clutch bag...
Took this pic after I reached home..haha...
It's over! After months of preparation made by my brother and sis-in-law and family...everything just ended in a day's time!
They are going to Japan - Hokkaido for sweet.. =D
I also wanna go overseas... =P
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