Friday, May 11, 2007

Stardust pics - 支持者 cum 好友篇

My St Nicks 姐妹! *Muacks* Thanks for the display cards!! =D

The display cards my SN 姐妹 made! Nice hor? That night I did not managed to see how they are like when put together, so here they are! Haha...

With Zhixiong and KTV buddies...thanks for coming down to support! =P

With Bing bing and Daniel...

大合照 with my choir friends!!! Seniors and juniors together! Haha.. Yingzhi, thanks for the sweet rose! And to Wheegeok and all..thanks for the bouquet of sunflower! It is simply beautiful! =D

It was a great night really...looking back at the photos just 唤起很多很美好的回忆... But a pity that some friends left early, because I took too long to come out! =S

To Kester, Samuel, Joneson, Norman, Joshua and Jianhua, thank you guys for coming down to support me on that night, and for all the screaming and shouting even though I wasn't on stage! Thank you once again!

And to Yaozong, Hiany, Irene, Edlina, Zhongwei...and those that I did not mention, thank you for the encouraging smses again! A fascinating night that felt so much like a dream...

And to my daddy and mummy and brother for supporting me and having so much faith in me too! =D

Love you all! *muackz*

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